Acupuncture is used to treat stress, pain, fatigue, migraines, and illness. It can also help you quite smoking, as well as other addictions.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating acupuncture points can correct imbalances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians.
Lift = $200
Facial (90-mins)
Acne = $200
Hyper-pigmentation = $200
Rosacea & Red Neck = $200
Herbal Skincare
Used to treat hyper-pigmentation, sun damage, dark circles, skin brightening, age spots, wrinkles, and more.
Basic Facial: 60-min | $90
Hyper-pigmentation: 60-mins | $110
Acne: 60-mins | $120
Acne: 90-mins | $150
Rosacea: 90-mins | $150
Hyper-pigmentation: 90-mins | $150
Wrinkles/Fine Lines: 90-mins | $150
Dark Circles: 90-mins | $150
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is another form of alternative medicine.
Chinese medicine observes that cupping dispels stagnation of blood in Chi, along with external pathogenic factors that invade a weakened constitution.